The objective of this Association is the promotion of good fellowship and sportsmanship among its members, to encourage the excellence of golf and to recognize achievement by awards and prizes.
All female golfing members of the Lake Windcrest Golf Club, eighteen (18) years or older, holding full golf memberships and in good standing, shall be eligible for membership in the WGA.
*Women holding Associate Membership prior to 2024 will continue to be eligible for WGA membership.
Annual Awards shall be given for various achievements as noted below based on records retained for all play by the Tournament Chair(s).
Awards include:
Sheri Caprio
Mary Armbruster
Janice Knott
Annemarie Tobin
Chris Hofmann
Wednesday - PJ Mullarky; Fun Friday - Elaine Azark; Saturday - Allison Kim
Joni Stoy
Mary Armbruster - Backup
Sheri Caprio
Marion Nojek - Coordinator
The name of this organization shall be The Lake Windcrest Women’s Golf Association, referred to in this document as the WGA or the Association.
The objective of this Association is the promotion of good fellowship and sportsmanship among its members, to encourage the excellence of golf and to recognize achievement by awards and prizes.
SECTION 1. All female golfing members of the Lake Windcrest Golf Club, eighteen (18) years or older, holding full golf memberships* and in good standing, shall be eligible for membership in the WGA.
*Women holding Associate Membership prior to 2024 will continue to be eligible for WGA membership.
SECTION 2. Annual dues for all WGA members will become due January 1st. Dues for new members joining after September 1st shall be one-half (50%) of the annual dues.
SECTION 1. The officers of the WGA shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Tournament Chair(s). An outgoing President who has served a minimum of one year shall assume the office of Parliamentarian with full voting privileges. In the event that she is unable to serve or chooses not to serve, a Parliamentarian may be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
SECTION 2. The Executive Board shall serve one two (2) year term and shall take office on January 1. They shall have power to hold preliminary meetings and make any necessary decisions pertaining to the next year’s events, prior to that date.
SECTION 3. The Executive Board shall have entire control of the management of the affairs, property and policies of the Association, subject to the By-laws of the Association.
SECTION 4. The Executive Board shall hold meetings whenever necessary. Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum.
SECTION 5. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer or Tournament Chair(s), the President shall appoint a replacement subject to the approval of the other Executive Board members.
SECTION 6. The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the WGA and shall serve as Chair of the Executive Board. She shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association and shall call special meetings of either the Executive Board or the general membership at her discretion. She shall put into effect the policies and plans of the Association and shall appoint special or ad hoc committees as necessary. The PRESIDENT shall also serve on The Board of Governors. She shall have authority to sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer. In the event that the PRESIDENT leaves office prior to the completion of her term, the Vice-President shall assume her responsibilities until a special election can be held to fill the remainder of the unfinished term; said election shall be held within 60 days insofar as possible.
SECTION 7. The VICE- PRESIDENT shall perform all duties of the President’s office in the absence of the President. She shall act as Membership Chair for the group. She is responsible for contacting prospective WGA members and for keeping an updated list of current members and distributing this list to the membership.
SECTION 8. The SECRETARY shall take minutes of Executive Board meetings and the general meetings of the WGA. She shall distribute copies of the Board minutes to members of the Executive Board as appropriate and will present a copy of previous general meeting minutes to the membership at every WGA general meeting. She shall assure that all amendments to the By-laws and changes to Standing Rules are properly distributed to the membership. She shall attend to the necessary correspondence of the Association and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.
SECTION 9. The TREASURER shall collect and deposit all funds coming into the WGA and keep a record of the same, subject to an audit by an Executive Board member appointed by the President. She shall give a report of the financial condition of the group at each WGA meeting.
SECTION 10. The TOURNAMENT CHAIR(S) shall prescribe all conditions of weekly play and tournament events within the WGA. The chairs can determine the split of duties between them. At least one of the chairs shall serve as Chair of the Rules Committee, with assistance from the professional staff. In this capacity, she shall be responsible for local rules as they pertain to WGA golfing activities.
SECTION 11. The PLAYDAY REPS will meet with the Tournament Chair(s) prior to the start of the official season to assist in the development of a calendar of games. They will review the sign-up list and report the player's names to the pro shop in order to confirm tee times. They are responsible for organizing the pairings for play and notifying players of their playing group and hole assignment. They shall declare play day winners and report the results to the Tournament Chair(s). They will collect the scorecards and see that they are properly signed and dated by each player and attested by a marker prior to placing them in a location designated by the Tournament Chair(s).
SECTION 12. The past President shall serve as PARLIAMENTARIAN and review the Bylaws, Rules of Order and Standing Rules to assure that they are in compliance with Robert’s Rules of Order. She shall be well acquainted with these rules.
SECTION 1. The general membership shall meet semi-annually or more frequently as set by the Executive Board. General meetings will be scheduled for the convenience of the majority of WGA members. Special meetings may be called by the President, or in her absence, by the Vice-President
SECTION 2. The order of business at each general meeting shall be:
- Reading of the minutes
- Treasurer’s report
- Correspondence
- Committee reports
- old business
- new business
- club news
- adjournment
SECTION 3. All meetings of the WGA shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. At any general meetings of the membership, a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the membership shall constitute a quorum. In the event a quorum cannot be reached, an email or electronic ballot will be deemed acceptable for voting purposes.
SECTION 4. The WGA shall hold weekly competitions.
SECTION 5. All members of the WGA must be members of The Lake Windcrest Golf Club. Any member who resigns from The Lake Windcrest Golf Club will also in effect resign from the WGA.
The Nominating Committee shall be appointed in August or September and shall develop a slate of candidates for each elected office. The President shall appoint members of the Nominating Committee, which shall consist of three (3) golfers, each representing one of the three play days, i.e., Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, who are familiar with the membership.
A. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of candidates to the general membership at the 3rd Quarter meeting or emailed to all members prior to year-end, having first determined the candidate’s willingness to serve if elected. This slate of candidates should be presented at least 30 days prior to the election.
B. The slate shall include one (1) or more names for each office. Additional nominations may be made from the floor when the slate is presented.
C. The Nominating Committee shall develop a ballot for distribution to the general membership on the date of the election. Voting shall be by secret ballot at a general or special meeting or by electronic means.
D. The Nominating Committee Chair and one (1) other member, whom she shall select, shall tally the ballots, and declare the winners. The winner for each office shall be the candidate receiving the most votes.
These By-Laws may be altered or amended by a majority vote of the members, a quorum being present, at any regular or special meeting, or by electronic means, provided advance notice is given.
Adopted 1/20/22
Amended 12/2/23; 6/12/2 4
Article I. PLAYERS
As a condition of competing in WGA events, players shall have paid WGA membership dues to Lake Windcrest Golf Club.
PLAYDAYs are held on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Lake Windcrest Golf Club, referred to as the club in this document. Friday tee times are FUN FRIDAYS and without competitive games unless otherwise determined by the PLAYDAY Rep or Tournament Chair(s).
Article III. Competition Requirements
To compete for prizes in WGA events, golfers shall have an established GHIN handicap requiring a minimum of five (5) scores, or a documented handicap index from another club or handicap service. Any golfer whose 18-hole handicap is greater than forty (40) may compete in the WGA but will be limited to a maximum handicap of 40.
Golfers without a GHIN handicap may play in an event as a scratch golfer.
Article V. RULES of Play
USGA Rules shall govern all play with the exception of local rules. If in doubt about the interpretation of a rule, a player shall play a second ball and get a ruling from the Tournament Chair(s) or the ProShop upon completing the round.
Members may be charged for meal reservations for tournaments that were not canceled within 24 hours of the cancellation deadline. The luncheon selection for the tournament may not be altered unless there is advance notice of a medical concern (including allergies). If a player does not choose to participate in the tournament meal selection, the lunch may be boxed for carry-out and the player may order from the menu at her own expense. The Pro Shop may also charge members a cancellation fee.
Annual Awards shall be given for various achievements such as noted below. The Board will determine the measurement parameters at the start of each season.
The Tournament Chair(s) will keep records and determine winners.
The President shall appoint chairs of the following standing committees to serve a one (1) year term. Other committees may be formed and chairs appointed at the President's and Board’s discretion.
Please note that the Tournament Chair(s) and/or PLAYDAY Reps shall bring forth handicap concerns for review in cooperation with the Pro Shop.
WGA members are automatically enrolled in the Hole-in-One Club run by the Club. This membership will remain in effect until there is a written cancellation. If a hole-in-one is made at any time during the round, and witnessed by one other adult golfer, you will receive pro shop credit equal to the number of hole-in-one members times $5.00.
General Meetings shall be conducted semi-annually. The President and the Executive Board will schedule the general meeting and determine an appropriate location. Additional General Meetings can be called at the discretion of The President.
These Standing Rules may be changed by a majority vote of the members at any meeting of the WGA general membership a quorum being present or by electronic means.
Adopted 1/20/22
Amended 12/3/2022; 2/6/2023; 4/13/2023; 4/7/2024; 6/12/2024; 1/23/2025
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